Monday, January 30, 2012

Quiet Book

I have several grandkids and one of my daugters asked if I had any ideas on making a quiet book.  My daugter remembered the quiet book we had when she was little and wondered if I still had the patterns.  Sure enough as I looked through my patterns I found the original book of patterns I used for their quiet book.  Whenever I am given an idea I start to brain storm and I came up with several ideas for a quiet book.  Some of the ideas came from the original pattern book and other ideas and patterns came from other sources.  Some of the ideas were even original ideas of my own.  Some of the sources I used were free downloads off the internet, cricut cartridges," the quiet book tutor" by Norma Barnes, and some books about the scripture stories by Karen Finch (she has several).  After looking through all these sources I came up with ideas to create the pages. 
These are just a few of the items needed to start the quiet book.  I will go through page by page the items used and how it was put together.  I am not a fan of felt because it just looks cheap and I love fabric and all the bright colors and patterns.  I came up with the idea to use pellon because it was a little stiff yet durable and I knew I could also write on  it.  I have a pretty good printer so I also thought I could cut the pellon into the page size I wanted and then run it through the printer to print the words and designs that were either scanned from the books or drawn from the designs cut on the cricut.  I created a word document in microsoft word and then created the page size I wanted.  I made the pages 11x12 because that is the size that would cut evenly on the pellon because it was about 45 inches wide. I also wanted the pages bigger than notebook size because I felt that it was important to have pieces big enough for little hands and some of the pages had lots of pieces.  The pellon I used was 809 Decor Bond and to do the book the way it was designed it took 5 yards of pellon.
I thought it would be fun to create a title page and I printed the wording on then ironed a blank second page on the back.  The two glue sides are ironed together.  I then cut out an area below the title and created a square hole.  I then cut a piece of pellon two inches wider and taller than the whole.  I placed it behind the hole and stiched 1/2 inch from the hole edge all the way around.  I took a picture of my granddaughter and laminated it between contact paper and cut it out.  The picture should be bigger than the hole but not quite as big as the stitched area.  Just fold the picture a little and it will fit and unfold into the pocket.  I did this so that as the family adds more children another picture of the kids could be replaced so as to include all of them.
Since this was a quiet book for church.  I wanted to try and make the pages based on scripture stories.  Noahs ark is always a fovorite so I started out with that.  I got the ark pattern from a book called "Primary Partners" by Mary Ross and Jennette Guymon-King.  The animals I got from cricut cartridge everyday paper dolls.  I cut them out the size I felt was appropriate and traced them with a fine point permanent marker and colored them in with permanent marker.  I colored the animals onto the pellon and then ironed another piece onto the back of the animals and then cut them out.  I traced the animal shape onto the side page.  The page with the animals has this heading printed on it.  NOAH WAS A RIGHTEOUS PROPHET.  GOD ASKED NOAH TO BUILD AN ARK.  NOAH WAS OBEDIENT AND HE BUILT THE ARK.  GOD TOLD NOAH THERE WOULD BE A FLOOD AND THAT HE WAS TO LOAD ANIMALS ONTO THE ARK.  TWO ANIMALS OF EVERY KIND.  CAN YOU NAME THE ANIMALS AND THEN HELP NOAH LOAD THE ARK.  I cut the door of the ark around the top and down the side so the animals could load onto the ark.  I also made a slice at the top of the ark
to the side of noah so I could stick the animals up and they could poke there heads out.  When each page is colored and done then a sheet of pellon is ironed onto the page.  The glue sides get ironed together.

The next page was about Joseph of egypt and his coat of many colors.  I love this story and I think it is also one of my kids favorites as well.  When my kids were all home on one of our vacations we went to yellowstone.  In West Yellowstone we saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. We had not purchased the tickets in advance so we did not end up sitting together as a family.  The stage was in sort of a semi circular fashion so I was sitting across from most of my kids and could see there faces as they watched the play.  It was priceless.  They all thoroughly enjoyed it and it was such a fun play about a great bible story.  The image for Joseph came from the book "Old Testament Fun and Games" by Karen Finch. The top of the page reads JOSEPH OF EGYPT WAS RIGHTEOUS.  HIS FATHER LOVED HIM VERY MUCH.  HE GAVE HIM A COAT TO WEAR TO SHOW HIS LOVE TO HIM.  THIS COAT HAD MANY COLORS.  CAN YOU MAKE JOSEPH HIS COAT OF MANY COLORS.  Joseph and his coat are colored with markers.  I then cut out fabric that matches the coat colors and shapes.  There is pellon ironed onto the back of the fabric to stiffen it and keep it from fraying.  I then iron on the a sheet of pellon onto the back.  I used sticky back velcro to stick the fabric pieces down to the picture.  The hook side of the velcro goes on the page and the other piece of velcro goes on the puzzle pieces.
The next page is the Nativity.  For christmas one year I wanted to find a nativity I could use for our family Christmas program.  We have several grand kids so I was looking for something I could use for them.  I came across a website that had free printables so I copied the nativity figures onto my lap top and created the nativity story for each of them.  As we read the story they placed the people into there spot on or around the stable.  I thought I would use the pictures again for the quiet book.  The image of the stable came from the book "Primary Partners"  and the nativity figures came from the web sight I printed the images onto the pellon.  I wasn't sure the colored printer ink was waterproof so I actually colored over the top of the printer ink with permanent markers.  I then used the velcro and placed it around the stable to accomadate the various figures.  The matching velcro went onto the backs of the figures.  Before any velcro goes on all the coloring needs to be done then iron on the blank page on the back. 
This page is about Captain Moroni.  The heading reads CAPTAIN MORONI WAS RIGHTEOUS.  GOD TOLD HIM TO PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD.  CAN YOU DRESS MORONI IN HIS ARMOR.  The next page is of a missionary.  The heading reads WE CAN BE A MISSIONARY.  AS A MISSIONARY WE ALSO NEED TO PUT ON ARMOR. CAN YOU DRESS THE MISSIONARY IN HIS ARMOR.  I copied the armor onto pellon and colored them in. I ironed a a piece of pellon on the back of the clothes then cut them out.  When the pages were colored I ironed on the pellon then I sewed a little pocket onto the lower left corner of each page so the the clothes could be stored in the pocket.  The velcro goes on last.  These pages came from the book "File Folder Fun" vol. 4 by Karen Finch.

 This page was of the creation. I got the picture of the earth out of the book "Old Testament Fun and Games" by Karen Finch.  The stars the moon and the sun patterns were cut out using a cricut cartrigde and yellow fabric that was mounted onto pellon.  Cut the shapes out then velcro goes on. This page says JESUS CREATED EVERYTHING.  HE CREATED THE SUN THE MOON AND THE STARS.  HE THEN CREATED THE EARTH.
The page with the sandals and feet came from the book"Primary Partners" vol 1.  I used the feet from there but got the idea to create sandals.  The sandals were made from fabric that looks like leather and I got it from walmart.  I cut out the bottom to fit the feet then made the sides by cutting 4 pieces 4 inches long and 2 inches wide.  The piece is folded in half and with a punch I punched 3 holes in the side and then with the crop a dile I put in grommets to use for the shoe lace holes.  I topstitched the sandal bottom over the edge of the side pieces about 1/4 inch.  The pellon needs to be ironed onto the back before topstitching the sandals down.  I used a blanket stitch to stitch it down but a zig zag stitch will work also.  This page says WE WANT TO FOLLOW IN JESUS FOOTSTEPS.  HE IS THE BEST EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW AND HE SERVED EVERYONE.  TIE HIS SANDALS FOR HIM.

With this page I used the same fabric as the sandals.  I drew the design on the tent.  I cut out a section in the middle and sewed a matching 7 inch zipper.  This helps learning to zip.  Inside the tent are some Indians. When you open the tent the indians can come out and be played with.  The tent idea came from The Quiet Book Tutor by Norma Barnes.  The indians inside came from an old pattern from a paint pattern I have from years ago.  This page says BEFORE WE WERE BORN THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE HERE ON THIS EARTH.  ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT THERE WERE INDIANS.  THE INDIANS LIVED IN TENTS.  OPEN THE TENT AND SEE WHO INDIANS ARE.
The next page says JESUS GAVE US ALL THE PRETTY COLORS.  MATCH THE HEARTS WITH THE CORRECT COLOR.  I cut hearts out of fabric of 7 different colors.  The fabric was backed with pellon.  The hearts were traced onto the page and the hearts on the page were colored with markers that matched the fabric.  This is to teach colors and matching.  Iron on the pellon on the back of page and then put velcro on hearts and page.
The fish page came from the book "Primary Partners".  You could also find fish from a cricut cartridge.  I wanted a page like this because When my son was a little boy he always loved to pretend to fish.  He would get any stick tie a string to it and then take a bent nail and tie it to the string.  This was his fishing pole and he loved it.  For this I sewed metal paper clips to the fishes mouth.  I took a string and put it onto a dowel with a very strong magnet on the end of the string.  The waves were drawn on then colored.  The page was ironed onto the pellon then I cut the waves so the fish would go down inside. The page says JESUS GAVE US ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS AND FISHES.  TRY TO CATCH A FISH. 
The opposing page was of a tree with apples.  I got the patterns for this from cricut cartridges. I used fabric lined with pellon to make the tree and fruit from.  The apples had velcro on the back then velcro places on the tree to put the apples.  The page reads HE GAVE US TREES WITH FRUIT.  PICK THE FRUIT FROM THE TREE. 
This page was to teach the shapes I cut the shapes out of different fabrics and the are ironed onto the pellon to stiffen it.  The shapes are traced onto the page.  The page says WE HAVE ALL SORTS OF SHAPES.  NAME THE SHAPES AND PUT THEM WHERE THEY BELONG.  The velcro is put on the shapes and page.  The flower page is made by the vase and fabric with wonder under on the back and ironed onto the page a different color button is sewn onto each stem.  The flowers are cut out of fabric that is  backed with pellon.  The fabric should match the buttons.  A button hole is sewn into each flower.  The page says HE CREATED EVERY LIVING THING.  HE GAVE US PLANTS LIKE FLOWERS.  BUTTON THE FLOWERS ONTO THE BUTTON THAT IS THE SAME COLOR. 

The house pattern came from a cricut cartridge.  I cut it out and used it as a pattern to trace and then colored it. The heading reads JESUS GAVE US EVERYTHING.  WE HAVE HOMES TO LIVE IN CARS TO DRIVE AND TOYS TO PLAY WITH.  WE SHOULD TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING WE HAVE.  PARK THE CAR IN THE GARAGE.  I ironed the back with pellon then cut the garage doors so they would open.  I bought a cheap die cast car from the dollar store to put in the garage and the child can take it out and play with it. 
The number page says CAN YOU COUNT? PLACE THE BLOCK WITH THE RIGHT NUMBER AND COUNT AS YOU GO.  I traced the blocks and traced the numbers in the blocks.  I cut out numbers out of black fabric with wonder under on it then ironed the numbers out onto the the squares.  The squares were backed with pellon.  velcro is placed on the page to the side of the number in the square and then on the corresponding number in onto the back. 

The last page I simply ironed two pages together and cut a pocket into it so a magnetic drawing board could be inserted into the pocket for storage and taken out to draw on.  This page says WE HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR.  CAN YOU DRAW A PICTURE OF ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE THANKFUL FOR.  The last page is a puzzle of the Salt Lake Temple.  My grandkids love puzzles so I figured I could not go wrong.  I printed and colored two temples.  The puzzle pieces had the pellon ironed onto the back and it was colored and then the pieces were cut.  The cut pieces were used to trace the shape onto the temple so they could match it .  The page says WE LOVE OUR FAMILY.  WE WANT TO BE WITH OUR FAMILY FOREVER.  HE SHOWED US HOW TO LIVE SO WE CAN BE WITH OUR FAMILY FOREVER.,  HE GAVE US TEMPLES TO SEAL OUR FAMILY TOGETHER FOREVER. HELP BY BUILDING THE TEMPLE.  The back page is backed with a pellon sheet.  Top above the temple is cut to create a pocket.  an extra page is stitched to the back to the edge then where the pocket was cut I stitched down from the side of the open slice 3inches then across then back up to the other side of the slice this will create a pocket for the puzzle pieces.
When all of this is done then the front page gets stitched with a zig zag stitch to the one next to it.  The pockets created would then hold the pieces basically open in the center of the pages.  Each page is stitched to the one that follows it. 
I hope this is helpful and inspires you to come up with an exciting quiet book for your family.  Already my grand kids are having fun with all of the pages full of puzzles and fun.